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Safe Dates is proud to offer comprehensive teen dating violence prevention programs which offer many services for students in the Cabell, Wayne, Putnam, Mason, & Lincoln county communities.

Through an interactive prevention curriculum, college, high school, and middle school age students gain valuable information about teen dating violence peer violence & bullying, and domestic violence. They will identify warning signs; examine gender role socialization; explore healthy relationships and intervention skills to help their peers.

Branches’ Dating Violence Prevention Specialists travel to middle schools, high schools, college and other clubs and organizations in the community spreading the truth about dating violence and giving information on how to prevent it!




Relationships that occur in the teen years may affect dating relationships later in life. The lessons teens learn today about respect, healthy vs. unhealthy relationships, and what is right or wrong may carry over into future relationships. Therefore it is important that teens recognize and understand what constitutes a healthy relationship. 




- About one in 11 teens reports being a victim of physical dating violence each year.1 
- About one in four teens reports verbal, physical, emotional, or sexual violence each year.2,3 
- About one in five high school girls has been physically or sexually abused by a dating partner.4


1 Lynberg MC, Eaton D, et al. Prevalence and Associated Health Risk Behaviors of Physical Dating Violence Victimization among High School Students. United States, 2003. Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report 2006.
2 Foshee VA, Linder GF, Bauman KE, et al. The safe dates project: theoretical basis, evaluation design, and selected baseline findings. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 1996;12(2):39-47.
3 Avery-Leaf S, Cascardi M, O'Leary KD, Cano A. Efficacy of a dating violence prevention program on attitudes justifying aggression. Journal of Adolescent Health 1997; 21:11-17.
4 Silverman JG, Raj A, Mucci L, Hathaway J. Dating violence against adolescent girls and associated substance use, unhealthy weight control, sexual risk behavior, pregnancy, and suicidality. Journal of the American Medical Association 2001; 286(5):572-9.

Contact Branches 

Branches Domestic Violence Shelter 
P.O. Box 403 
Huntington, WV 25708 



Phone: 304-529-2382


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Meals on a Mission has been a huge success in 2024 with our incredible community donating 440 meals to survivors of domestic violence. 


For this reason, we've decided to make Meals on a Mission, a year-round opportunity.  Now--you can choose from our Putnam or Cabell County Meal Train calendars to schedule your meal donation! 


Cabell County Shelter Meal Train schedule.​​

Putnam County Shelter Meal Train schedule. 

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