Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Pick Your Potion: Avoiding Toxicity and the Alchemy of Healthy Relationships
October 8, 2024, TBD
Branches is proud to partner once again with our friends at Title IX & the Violence Prevention office at Marshall University. This event will explore how to identify toxic behaviors in relationships and how to determine the relationship factors that are right for you.
Open to All Picnic
October 13, 2024, Ritter Park, 1-4pm
Branches will be tabling and representing our Open to All advocacy approach at this year's City of Huntington Open to All Picnic located in the field at Ritter Park. Come out and enjoy some food and festivity in celebration of inclusion.
Safe Congregations
October 17th, 2024, Cabell County Public Library
This event is an open invitation to faith-based leaders and coordinators throughout the Cabell County community to join us for a focus group discussion regarding the ways domestic violence shows up for your congregation members and the support you'd like to see for survivors from a faith-based perspective. All are welcome to come and discuss this important issue.
The information gathered at this session will be instrumental in the development of domestic violence response training specifically designed for the faith-based community.
2024 Huntington Pride Festival
October 19, 2024
Branches will be providing resources at the Huntington Pride Festival this year--festivities begin at 3pm and last throughout the evening. Join us on 4th Avenue for both a great time and an incredible hub of information and support for the LGBTQ+ community.
Employ & Empower: DV is Your Business
October 28th, 2024, Brad D. Smith Center for Business
Time: 12pm-1pm
This event is an open invitation to faith-based leaders and coordinators throughout the Cabell County community to join us for a focus group discussion regarding the ways domestic violence shows up for your congregation members and the support you'd like to see for survivors from a faith-based perspective. All are welcome to come and discuss this important issue.
The information gathered at this session will be instrumental in the development of domestic violence response training specifically designed for the faith-based community.